Grievance Procedures Guidelines

The President of the 体育菠菜大平台EA serves in the capacity of the Grievance Officer with regard to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The President of 体育菠菜大平台EA will serve in conjunction with the Chairs of the Faculty Senate Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, Professional Conduct Committee, and Grievance Committee as outlined in articles VII, C, I and L of the Senate constitution, for the purpose of deciding on the appropriate committee to hear a grievance.

体育菠菜大平台EA grievance procedures are governed by the terms of Article V of the CBA.

Grievances may relate to one, or more, individuals with regard to violations of the CBA.
Grievances may relate to institutional practices (i.e. policies and procedures) which are in violation of the CBA.
Grievances may relate to unfair labor practices as defined by state and federal labor law.

The general grievance process should proceed as follows:

  1. Members who feel they have a grievance should contact the 体育菠菜大平台EA Grievance Officer.
  2. The Grievance Officer will meet with the member and review in an informal manner the allegations and details of the proposed grievance.
  3. The Grievance Officer will inform the member of the terms and limitations of grievances filed under the CBA.
  4. The Grievance Officer may determine that the proposed grievance is not a 体育菠菜大平台EA matter and not substantial in nature and so find that the proposed grievance should be dismissed.
  5. The Grievance Officer may determine that the proposed grievance is not a 体育菠菜大平台EA matter but may be substantial in nature and so the grievance should be referred to a Faculty Senate committee.
  6. The Grievance Officer may determine that the proposed grievance is a 体育菠菜大平台EA matter that falls within the terms of the CBA, or relates to unfair labor practices.
  7. The Grievance Officer will submit the proposed grievance to the 体育菠菜大平台EA Executive Committee with a recommendation. The Executive Committee will make the determination to have the Grievance Officer move forward with the grievance, or, to send the proposed grievance to the Super Committee, or to dismiss the proposed grievance.
  8. In the case where the grievance moves forward, the Grievance Officer will be guided by the approved grievance procedures within the terms of Article V.
  9. If there is any variance from the terms of Article V, or institutional obstacles, or other impediments or complication to the grievance process, the Grievance Officer will seek the authorization of the Executive Committee for any extraordinary measures that may be required. Such measures will be defined and explained to the Executive Committee and be initiated only with the authorization of the Executive Committee.
  10. In all cases the appropriate confidentiality of persons and specific information will be observed by the Grievance Officer and the Executive Committee.